Class Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Window: Participants must cancel their class booking at least 8 hours prior to the scheduled class time to avoid forfeiting their class credit.

No Show Policy: Participants who do not show up for a scheduled class without canceling at least 8 hours in advance will forfeit their class credit.

Refunds: No refunds are offered on classes or class packages purchased.

Cancellation Procedure: Participants can cancel their class booking through the Provider's online booking system or by contacting the Provider directly via phone or email.

Late Cancellation: Late cancellations made within the 8-hour window will result in forfeiture of the class credit.

Exceptions: In cases of emergency or extenuating circumstances, the Provider may waive the cancellation fee at their discretion. Participants must contact the Provider as soon as possible to request an exception.

Unused Classes: Unused classes within a class package will not be refunded or credited to the participant's account.

Agreement: By booking a class with Esteem Active, participants acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms of this Class Cancellation Policy.